Homes in the Edgebrook neighborhood of greater Forest Glen (All photos Eric Rojas, Broker, Kale Realty). |
Despite the December holiday season in full swing real estate activity forges ahead. We have been working with another client in the greater
Forest Glen community area. They'd like to buy a house in the
Edgebrook or
Sauganash neighborhoods of Forest Glen.
The Edgebrook and Sauganash neighborhoods are serviced by two desirable name sake elementary schools;
Edgebrook Elementary and
Sauganash Elementary.
Wildwood Elementary is another well rated and popular school that services the southwest area of Forest Glen.
Forest Glen single family home sales January 1st to December 10th, 2014
203 homes have sold in Forest Glen by December 10th in 2014. Median price for a house is about $407,500. Unit sales for houses area are off last year's 248 units sold same period 2013. However, median price ticked up slightly. This mirrors many Chicago neighborhoods that showed tighter inventory and steady or increased median prices.
The lowest sold house is 5034 W Carmen, Chicago 60630 for $156,100 cash in a foreclosure sale. The small frame home may be a tear down or complete gut rehab. The house is located in a small pocket of Forest Glen near West Foster and North Cicero close to the Jefferson Park area.
The highest sale this year is 6141 N Lemont, Chicago 60646 for $915,000 in the Sauganash neighborhood. The large ranch home on a huge 125'x124' lot was purchased by
Misericordia Home.
Homes in the Sauganash neighborhood of greater Forest Glen |
Same period single family home sales 2009-2014
2014 203 homes sold with a median price $407,500
2013 248 homes sold with a median price $403,000
2012 177 homes sold with a median price $385,000
2011 137 homes sold with a median price $350,000
2010 131 homes sold with a median price $377,000 (Federal First Time Buyer stimulus package helped higher unit sales and higher median prices)
2009 128 homes sold with a median price $397,000