Monday, February 11, 2008

Ravenswood Government at Work: A New Stop Sign at Damen and Winnemac

It doesn't take much for me to get excited in our little burg here on the North Side. A new stop sign was erected some time last week at the intersection of North Damen and West Winnemac at the crosswalk to Winnemac Park. You must now stop if traveling north or south on Damen.

As a Realtor, my car is an extension of my being... and the $400 I just plunked down on brakes (even though under 20,000 miles) should make me less than pleased for another stop sign. But this intersection was flat out dangerous. It was a joke trying to cross to the park or turn on to Damen.

The stop sign follows the new kid's play lot just completed before the winter. The area around Winnemac Park just keeps improving with real estate development and infrastructure improvements.

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