Friday, February 08, 2008

Why Knowing a Good Buy in Chicago is like Knowing Your Kid

I know Ravenswood and Lincoln Square like I know my kid. And no one knows your neighborhood or your kid like you do.

I know when a great deal in Ravenswood and Lincoln Square comes up for purchase just like I know if my kid is hungry or tired. And I'm right... most of the time.

It's no coincidence I'm bringing this up today. Two things happened. First, we had a substitute nanny today as ours had to take the day off. I meet the caregiver in the morning and orientate them to the house and Ryne. I talk about his schedule for the day then I retire to my home office.

But it doesn’t matter… when he cries, they don’t know if Ryne wants up or down, needs to sleep, is hungry, wants to climb, crawl… whatever. But I know.

Secondly, a unit in a building I like came up for sale and sold in 18 days. This one under contract for 20K more than a comparable condo in the same building last fall season. I sent the unit located near Wolcott and Montrose to my clients and asked them to make a decision because it wouldn’t be around long. I pushed the condo because I knew it was the best two bedroom, two bath unit with parking and storage in the neighborhood at the price-point. $380K if you were wondering.

They don’t know that yet and they may never know. Just like they won’t know if Ryne wants up or down, needs to sleep, is hungry, wants to climb, crawl… whatever. But I know.

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