Saturday, September 01, 2007

Chicago Realtor on a bike: A new series of posts

Would it bother you if your Realtor rode a bike over for signatures on a contract? How about if he rode his bike over for showings of your condo or house occassionally?

Would said Realtor's broker groan when he rolls his bike into the back of the office? (the answer to this one is a definate yes)

The decision was made recently to ride my bike more often. The decision is made every time I’m sitting in 5:30PM traffic driving home from my office through beautiful North Side neighborhoods. It’s totally unnecessary to drive my car on many of these days.

A Realtor’s schedule can be very unpredictable. However there are days where we have no "field" appointments and simply work away on our computers… researching properties, servicing current deals, answering emails, making calls. If there was a last minute request for a showing, would anyone mind if I showed up on a bike?

I'm working on introducing my bike into my everyday workings as a Realtor in Chicago. Keep an eye out for more bike friendly posts and my Green evolution.

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