Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fight the Cook County Sales Tax Increase

We are getting killed on taxes this year... first the Transfer Tax increase and now a Cook County Sales Tax increase.

I've received more emails about this subject from my sphere of influence than on any other!

Here's a way you can FIGHT THE MAN. Take that Stroger.

Even if you don't live in Cook County, you probably shop and eat in the city. So please vote against this proposal and ask anybody that you know to do so as well. It only takes seconds. I just did it.

Subject: Sales Tax Increase

I just did it, it took a few seconds.

COOK COUNTY is planing to raise the sales tax to 10.25% in November.
This will have a negative effect on the lives of consumers in Illinois and
obviously, on retail businesses as this will make ours the HIGHEST sales
tax rate in the country.

Please take a second to call Todd Stroger's office and petition the increase on the tax!!!!

Please do this now...what do have to lose (other than your money)? I did it and it only took a minute and it is FULLY AUTOMATED!!!! AND EASY.

This takes literally seconds. It only took about 15 SECONDS to punch in my vote.

CALL 1-312 -603-6400.

Press option 1, then option 2, and then VOTE AGAINST INCREASE (OPTION 2)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried calling to voice my opinion and that is not even an option anymore. Funny isn't it?