Wednesday, July 08, 2009

3 Unintended Consequences of the Chicago Parking Deal

As a Realtor, I make lots of stops and park all over the city showing property and entertaining clients. I had no issue with the meter price increase. But here's three things that remind me of the parking meter deal almost every day of my life:

#1. I park the truck, get the boy out of the truck, walk/carry boy to the box, stand in line at the box, get credit card out, (usually drop something) wait for receipt, walk/carry boy back to truck, open door, put in receipt (usually drop something), shut door (all one armed with boy in other arm). Can't wait for the second kid.

#2. There once was a day in Chicago where you'd pull up to a meter, discover it 10 minutes left on it, run in and buy your coffee (and pay your gazillion percent sales tax), run back out and be on your way. Now, see #1 (kid-less, but same process).

#3. Meters gave you some perspective where to park... now it's chaos on the curb.

Oh, and #3a. Buried alive in little paper parking receipts


Michael H. Wasserman said...

to be sure, trying to ride with two kids can make the logistics of running errands even more complicated, but chicago parking meters also afforded bicyclists 30,000 secure places to park and lock their bikes.

Eric Rojas said...

Thanks Michael...tell us more about that deal. When in the Netherlands, the Moms had a kid in the front "wheel barrel" and a kid on the back of their bikes commuting all over. I have to look up the name of those bikes. No meters for them.

I've been meaning to link your excellent blog. Done.

apartments in barcelona said...

Eric ! these are common issues and you can find these parking issues everywhere. So no wonder. :O

Jon Boyd said...

The city of Ann Arbor just installed a bunch of these machines in our downtown. I haven't had the pleasure of using one yet.

I don't think I'm looking forward to it!

Ann Arbor Buyer's Real Estate Company

thecondoist said...

The worst is not happening upon a meter with money in it already...

But I guess it isn't winter yet, and during those cold, windy, snowy months we might be a little more irritated with walking back and forth to the car--can't wait!