Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kopi for Lunch in Andersonville Chicago

Let us not forget the Kopi Travelers Cafe for lunch in Andersonville. This is a bit of a "hippy eco-friendly" place (stole that quote from a reviewer) with a variety of food choices.

I think it's a fine place to stop for a light lunch with my banker friend Adam...

You see, I find myself in and around Andersonville and Edgewater checking out (and occasionally selling) properties. And Adam's bank is in Edgewater. So, we try to get together. There are lot of great places to eat on the Clark Street strip, but many offer heavy dishes. Kopi is a good alternative for vegetarian food and baked goods.

Last time in I had a latte and a blueberry muffin. The server warmed it up for me.

I couldn't believe it.

There are many choices from one bedroom condos to single family homes close to Kopi if you were wondering.

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