Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Your Condo is Uglier Than Mine

There is a lot to be said for making certain improvements to a place that will return the money dollar for dollar... or more. But when you are about to put your 2 bed one bath condo with parking on the market... what have you done with the place?

My wife complains because I want to improve our place in certain ways that out pace the neighborhood price. But so what? We'll enjoy the improvements while we are here and sell the place faster when we put it on the market. Even if we do not get dollar for dollar, we'll still make money and not languish amongst the other units.

Ceiling fans? Paint? Pot hanger/holder? New closet doors that are not hideous (like the ones you had when you moved in)? Built in shelving? Window coverings? CLOSET ORGANIZERS?

When you bought that new conversion 3 years ago for $250K and now want $320K... why will someone buy yours over the other 200 condos at $320K?

Make the decison easier for them.

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